==Version 19.2.11 Released on 2/11/2019==
* Added copy and transform options to congestion block commandline command (2/4/2019)
* Added Multi Add Window button to building form (12/19/18)
* Added PHAST 8 import of jet and pool fire excel export files (10/8/2018)
* Added runsubs 27 and 28 for graphically selecting congestion blocks and threats (9/28/2018)
* Added Congestionblock command clone option (9/28/2018)
* Congestionblock delete command will accept definition string like 1,2,3-8 (9/26/2018)
* Added LocationScreeningPT report (8/17/2018)
* Fixed equivalent toxics not using ref. time when no transform was given (5/31/2018)
* Fixed PSU extension case bug (5/31/2018)
* AppendFile Options method added (excludes textures, camera, and notes) (5/14/2018)
* Speedups of Zone1 and Zone2 rendering (3/23/2018)
* Updated CFD createUserDefinedThreats command to create new UDT format (3/23/2018)
* Updated F3D viewer export to file format version 2 (2/16/2018)
* Improved responsiveness when canceling analysis or reports (2/12/2018)
* Fixed a bug where rendering at 1/2 LFL would affect threat creation (2/12/2018)
* Updated fileformat version id To 28: new user defined threat format (1/4/2018)
* Updated UDT to have multiple curves (1/4/2018)
* Updated all plots to show X,Y with middle mouse click (1/4/2018)
* Speed increase to FireResults report (11/27/2017)
* Updated chemical db to v4 - fixed ethylene LBV to 0.8 (10/10/2017)
* Fixed and issue with license datetime formatting other than M/d/yyyy (9/13/2017)
* Changed cfd udt command to use multiplefileselectionform (9/11/2017)
* Validation Of udts added For NaN (9/11/2017)
* Fixed exceedance curve pressure & impulse bug; now reported For all surfs (8/16/2017)
* Fixed bug For QRA toxic ERPG conc (Not equivalent) (8/12/2017)
* Fixed precalced modeled fires curves bug behind large fires will null spot (8/7/2017)
* Fixed polyline location perimeter distance fractions To Return End point (8/3/2017)
* Updated fileformat version id To 27: scenario leak size parameter (7/14/2017)
* Added positionID to create threat form (6/19/17)
* Fixed a bug when creating threats using a dispersion with line or polyline location type (6/19/17)
* Fixed a critical bug from 5/30/14 involving opening legacy files with PVB and BLEVE cyl/sph shape mix up (6/16/17)
* Fixed a non-critical bug with threat creation using BST congestion (5/19/2017)
* Added drawrectangle commandline command (5/8/2017)
* Added LeakSize property to consequence events in scenarios (4/25/17)
* Fixed a bug matching building names when a short name matched another name as a prefix (4/19/17)
* Added congestion block And ignition source dragging (4/19/17)
* Modified latlong translation to a more accurate method (4/19/17)
* Added persisted filter to layers form (4/19/17)
* Added listmaker commandline command (4/19/17)
* Added ignition source and congstion block dragging with ALT + CTRL + RMB (4/5/2017)
* Added options xml parsing To CFD tecpolot import (3/7/2017)
* Changed volume scale method In threat create To DNV method (3/7/2017)
* Added Dijkstra contour grid calculate Option (3/3/2017)
* Added building name delimiter \ In various reports To combine building results (1/11/2017)
* Added CFD UDT commandline command (12/16/2016)
* Added Half LFL distance To dispersion report (12/15/2016)
* Added F4 selection Set Next And previous shortcuts (12/14/2016)
* Fixed a bug With applied load, wall/roof, And CDL reports When a F4 selection And combineByPrefix options resulted In an incorrect selection Set (11/17/2016)
* Updated BST model To include VeryLow reactivity (LBV <= 10) (11/4/2016)
* Updated precalced modeled fire calculations To be much faster (9/30/2016)
* Updated fileformat version id To 26: exceedance contours and inside building contours (9/28/2016)
* Added multiple exceedance frequency contour plotting for risk studies (9/28/2016)
* Added indoor lethality contours (9/23/2016)
* Updated chemical database to latest ERPG values (9/20/2016)
* Added DrawCyl commandline command (9/16/2016)
* Fixed window loads skipping cell when value was zero (9/15/2016)
* Added Building Fire for PT report (9/2/2016)
* Added flammable infiltration and detailed infiltration reports (8/31/2016)
* Changed flame impingement frequency for pool fires to an area based ratio (8/31/2016)
* Fixed a Delaunay mesh bug where adjacent or overlapped buildings would cause data indexing to fail (7/1/2016)
* Fixed a bug where a user added dispersion segment with small dX could be missed (6/30/2016)
* Fixed a dispersion bug where short duration segments with widely spaced cross sections did not appear (6/8/2016)
* Added Window Thermal Breakage report (6/8/2016)
* Fixed a bug related to UBL command where a F4 subset would not update all building sources (6/1/2016)
* Fixed a bug related to cached contour views and CFD import (5/31/2016)
* Added L/D=1 (no factor) option for cyl. PVB and BLEVE threats (5/18/2016)
* Added more rows to list view column autofit method (5/16/2016)
==Version 16.5.13 Released on 5/13/2016==
* PHAST 7.x import corrected jet fire duration value (5/12/2016
* Added modeled fire MaximizeGroundViewFactor option (5/5/2016)
* Updated fileformat version id to 25: variable ACH, coord system, zone2 (5/4/2016)
* Added Zone 2 rendering (5/4/2016)
* Added functionality in PHAST 7.x importer to skip scenarios with skip in their name or path (4/8/2016
* Corrected problem with error handling for importing incomplete of failed fire results from PHAST 7.x (4/8/2016
* Repaired exception handling for scenarios that completed with errors in PHAST 7.x (4/8/2016
* Added error handling for params.xml defaults parsing (4/8/2016
* Set toxic averaging time to 600 sec in PHAST 7.x (4/8/2016
* Addressed dispersions imported from PHAST 7.x not defaulting to max LFL time (4/7/2016
* Fixed space handling in scenario and weather names in PHAST 7.x (4/7/2016
* Fixed modeled fire import error in PHAST 7.x (4/7/2016
* Added wind dependent ACH via linear relationship (4/4/2016)
* Added geographic and projection coordinate systems (3/30/2016)
* Fixed bug where modeled fires on unstructured grids did not use their duration to limit dose (3/15/2016)
* Fixed modeled fire flame impingement freq plot by adding angle fraction of fire (2/24/2016)
* Added modeled fire angle quick change via runsub 5
* Added camera near and far clip distances to program settings (2/24/2016)
* Changed Spouge frequency data to be full leak only (2/19/2016)
* Changed building move command and added resize command (2/17/2016)
* Added Spouge frequency data to library and made DNV data full leak only (2/17/2016)
* Fixed bug with line locations and building screening report (2/17/2016)
==Version 16.2.1 Released on 2/1/2016==
* Fixed bug with region indoor building vulnerability (1/29/2016)
==Version 16.1.27 Released on 1/27/2016==
* Updated fileformat version id to 24: independent mesh control properties (1/26/2016)
* Added more render properties to independent mesh controls (1/26/2016)
* Added mesh import to fire triangles form (1/25/2015)
* Fixed bug with QRA precalc fires not at 0 deg (1/13/2016)
* Fixed bug with QRA toxic evac for angle ranges that pass through 0 deg (1/13/2016)
* Updated fileformat version id to 23: new aggregate risk occupancy data storage (1/13/2016)
* Added region aggregate risk (1/13/2016)
* Changed aggregate risk inputs and calculations (1/8/2015)
* Added PHAST v7.x import BETA (1/5/2015)
* Changed group threat color to propagate to children (1/5/2016)
* Fixed bug with FN curve by removing items during cumulation (1/5/2016)
* Added FN plot integration to risk report (1/5/2016)
* Added rainout contour to dxf export (1/5/2016)
* Changed threat create name for line threats (1/5/2016)
* Changed QRA building toxic dose calcs to use variable integration step for a 10x speedup (12/4/2015)
* Changed Delunay meshing to allow orphan verticies (12/8/2015)
* Changed CreateThreats setting CongBlockCombineMethod=TwentyPercentRuleStepFunc as default (12/8/2015)
* Changed CreateThreats setting FitCloudsOnlyByHeight=True as default (12/8/2015)
* Added hit detection for modeled fires on shift+click (12/2/2015)
* Added better formatting of independent grid controls (12/2/2015)
* Fixed crash upon import of CFD data related to derived variables calc (12/2/2015)
* Added UDC file data validation to check for unknown buildings or sources (12/2/2015)
* Objects form filter will persist after from close (12/2/2015)
==Version 15.12.1 Released on 12/1/2015==
* Fixed a bug in grouped threat filter (12/1/2015)
* Added base grid saving (12/1/2015)
* Updated fileformat version id to 22: saved base grids (12/1/2015)
==Version 15.11.23 Released on 11/23/2015==
* Added CloudArrivalTime method (11/23/2015)
* Added ContourGridResultDisplay program setting (11/23/2015)
* Changed create threats from to show toxics (11/23/2015)
* Added better names for confinement in reports (11/11/2015)
* Restored dispersion side view plot bottom line (11/11/2015)
* Added warning for incomplete toxic Or flammable chemicals (11/11/2015)
* Added warning for contour grid pressure type reflected (11/11/2015)
* Added correction for GW And CW for buildings without windows (11/11/2015)
* Fixed bug with surface pick near vertex returning wrong vertex (11/11/2015)
* Added DXF export surface colors when in postproc (11/11/2015)
* Added incident building warnings to reports (11/11/2015)
* Changed some threat report significant digits (11/11/2015)
* Added new string filter boolean operations for listviews (11/11/2015)
* Fixed bug with userdefined threat angles (11/11/2015)
* Added filter to listviews with boolean operations (10/24/2015)
* Changed create threats settings to be in separate form and not program settings (9/30/2015)
* Added Detonate Cloud if CB DDTs create threats setting (9/30/2015)
* Added window and door PIs to pireplace commandline command (9/29/2015)
* Added building stack height and shutoff conc for QRA shelter in place (9/25/2015)
* Updated fileformat version id to 21: user threat application angles (9/25/2015)
* Added user threat application angles (9/25/2015
* Added calculation of damage after FLACS import of pressure Or impulse (9/18/2015)
* Added store And retrieve options to basegrid command (9/18/2015)
* Added validation warnings for damage ground contour levels that don't match PI curves (9/18/2015)
* Added dispersion plot legends (9/17/2015)
* Fixed dispersion type none plot bug (9/17/2015)
* Added glass width > 0 and window count = 0 validation rule (9/17/2015)
* Added BDL Version 2 and BST CoOp threats validation rule (9/17/2015)
* Changed toxic dispersion that does not reach ERPG-3 validation rule to an error (9/17/2015)
* Changed user defined consequence file lines starting with # to be ignored (9/17/2015)
* Changed Zone 1 calculation to ignore threats with SL <= 1.7 and FS <= 0.092 (9/17/2015)
* Added ContourGridPressureType program setting to allow for reflected load on ground (useful for applied damage PI) (9/17/2015)
* Added ReportViewed program setting to allow for direct Excel reports (9/17/2015)
* Fixed bug related to flame imp. and rainout rendering after importing CFD fire results (9/17/2015)
* Added KFX import features to cfd m and cfd c commands (8/6/2015)
* Fixed transparency bug on overlapping textures (7/30/2015)
* Added Building Fire Scenarios report (7/10/2015)
* Added building vulnerability report (6/22/2015)
* Changed scale commandline command to also operate on buildings (6/4/2015)
* Fixed FLACS import (rs 30) scale factor bug (6/3/2015)
* Building outdoor conc. to get internal explosion now includes dispersion duration (5/13/2015)
* Added flammable worst case time option for flamm. conc. calculations (5/13/2015)
* Updated fileformat version id to 20: modeled fire triangles (2/5/2015)
* Added modeledfire freeform triangles input (2/5/2015)
* Added LMB and RMB building move and resize actions for selected buildings (12/8/2014)
* Added more decimal places to VBR and AvgDia in threat form (11/13/2014)
* Fixed append threats chemical case sensitive bug (11/13/2014)
* Updated CreateThreats to include energy reduction when overriding a threat due to non-homogeneous congestion (11/13/2014)
* Added ABS standard library building components to library (11/13/2014)
* Changed mixed mode Triangle.Managed.dll to fully managed Triangle.dll (9/4/2014)
* Added weather dependency to multiple models (VCE, BLEVE, PVB, Radiation, Chemicals) (9/4/2014)
* Changed SaveAs to copy texture images to new location (8/1/2014)
* Added multiple congestion block combine algorithms (7/22/2014)
* Fixed bug in create threats autorotate w/ ignition sources from 3/24/14 (7/22/2014)
* Added max LFL, max VOl, and max AREA to dispersion report (7/11/2014)
* Added Tecplot export (7/11/2014)
* Added toxic worst case evacuation time checkbox (6/2/2014)
* Updated fileformat version id to 19: flamdisp SIP type, PVB, BLEVE (5/30/2014)
* Changed PVB and BLEVE models to use latest shape factors (5/30/2014)
* Changed BLEVE model to use Baker-Tang curves (5/30/2014)
* Changed flash fire QRA to allow flammable dispersion SIP (5/27/2014)
* Changed predefined jet fires to use Z coord to adjust flame impingement distance for grade (5/21/2014)
* Added flame impingement, pool rainout, and zone 1 show in legend checkboxes (4/29/2014)
* Changed modeled fire precalc code to be more robust and faster (4/28/2014)
* Added UserDefinedConsequenceClass for overwriting QRA results during analysis (4/21/2014)
* Fixed saving paths for duplicate thermal dose values (4/16/2014)
* Changed path finding to apply dose multiplier > 1 to dose returned (4/16/2014)
* Updated fileformat version id to 18: region lines offset, disp rendering options, label arrow, clipping planes, link enabled (3/26/2014)
* Added Chemical form list view column sort (3/26/2014)
* Changed PHAST import to not overwrite line and poly locations, only point locations (3/25/2014)
* Added lines offset property to regions with trim options under rendering (3/24/2014)
* Changed to separate installs for 32 and 64 bit versions; all dlls and exe signed also (3/24/2014)
* Added flacs option to vapor cloud create threats command options; reads NFMOLE files (3/24/2014)
* Added ProgSetting to use mass instead of volume when calculating energy during threat creation (3/4/2014)
* Added more dispersion rendering flammable concentrations (HalfLFL and Stoic) (3/4/2014)
* Fixed a bug reassociated chemicals that are also part of a mixture (2/4/2014)
* Added Selected Object Color option (1/29/2014)
* Added Translucent Surfaces Reduce Radiation option (1/29/2014)
==BETA Version 13.12.20 Released on 12/20/2013==
* Fixed bug with door location units inched to feet (12/19/2013)
* Changed toxic disperisons to include Pign to be consistent with flammable dispersions (12/18/2013)
* Fixed a bug where building flammable and building toxic QRA calcs were adding 1/wind_directions to freq (12/18/2013)
* Fixed a bug where flammable dispersion flash fire on buildings was not applying Pign (12/18/2013)
* Added PIREPLACE commandline command for using 1 PI to replace many other (11/11/2013)
* Fixed bug with PHAST import of discharge results for catastrophic rupture cases (11/6/13)
* Changed truncated modeled fire SEP increase to have an upper bound of 400 kW/m2 (10/27/2013)
* Added transparent surface radiation reduction to occlusion feature for modeled fires (10/18/2013)
* Fixed a bug with toxic stationary dose/lethality not using stationary time correctly (10/3/2013)
* Added DNV leak frequency database (10/2/2013)
==BETA Version 13.9.27 Released on 9/27/2013==
* Fixed a bug in reports using combine by prefix option (9/27/2013)
* Fixed a bug in PHAST import of discharge results for "skip" items (9/16/2013)
==BETA Version 13.7.12 Released on 7/12/2013==
* Fixed a bug where toxic max concentration avg. time was not set to 60 min for a ERPG transform (7/12/2013)
* Added arrow marker type to labels (7/9/2013)
* Fixed the window and door Z coordinate calculation (7/9/2013)
* Modified the chemical reassociate button to work on more than 1 chemical at once (7/9/2013)
* Added more building and threat listview columns that are hidden by default (7/9/2013)
* Added license file restrictions for select features (7/9/2013)
* Added multi-object editor to main objects listview (7/2/2013)
* Added transformation matrix builder to CFD contours importer
* Added filter and select columns to main object list view (6/17/2013)
* Added Building internal explosion LFL fraction to file options (5/30/2013)
* Added Unique Ids Report (5/29/2013)
* Added DrawCircle and DrawLine commandline commands (5/24/2013)
* Modified Phast import to skip new chemicals with no references (5/24/2013)
* Added Base Plane Textures form (5/23/2013)
* Fixed bug where freq. link dispersion could no be reset after dispersion was deleted (5/23/2013)
* Fixed bug with exceedance curves using group frequency which did not match exceedance contours
* Added CongestionBlock2Dto3D program settings option (5/14/2013)
* Added IncreaseTruncatedModeledFireSEP option (5/14/2013)
* Fixed ViableDoors implementation for fire and toxic QRA calcs (5/14/2013)
* Fixed modeled fire path find evac dose calc for building shadows (5/14/2013)
* Fixed objects listview item focused bug; arrow key navigation now works after dialog return (5/10/2013)
* Added Outdoor LFL frac vs. ACH relation for SIP building internal explosion
* Added prevent energy reduction checkbox to dispersion threat creator form
* Added ACH to 1E6 for QRA toxic shelter based on BDL and building type or door/window exceedance pressure
* Added ViableDoors method for QRA toxic and fire evac calcs; viable if exceedance pressure not reached
* Added HasLargeOpenings field to building form; QRA will set flash fire lethality to 1 if bldg is inside LFL
* Fixed bug where adding and then removing a consequence event to a scenario would corrupt file (4/28/2013)
* Fixed a graphics caching bug for transparent surfaces (4/24/2013)
==BETA Version 13.4.23 Released on 4/23/2013==
* Fixed a caching bug related to showing result subsets (F4) and getting no results (4/23/2013)
* Updated buildings and unstructured mesh controls outside domain to be skipped or clipped (4/23/2013)
* Fixed bug with unstructured grid not clearing results fully between runs (4/23/2013)
* Added clipping planes (4/16/2013)
* Added window and door copy button to building form (4/8/2013)
* Added all BeastV3 buildings and components to library (4/5/2013)
* Fixed bug with appendfile command and QRA files
* Added Scenarios Summary report (4/2/2013)
* Fixed bug in screening report where grouped sources would apply min/max limiter (error) in addition to XY locations (3/29/2013)
* Modified reporting combine by prefix character to be user defined in program settings
* Changed building IR occupancy to allow multiple cases (3/29/2013)
* Changed IR calculations to be superposition regardless of grouping; significant speedup and data set size reduction (3/25/2013)
* Added command line shift+enter option to accept all forthcoming command defaults without prompt
* Added create threats option to prevent CB combining across region lines
* Modified bld command to accept wildcards for modified building name (3/11/2013)
* Modified QRA toxic contour creation achieving 7x speedup (3/7/2013)
#no cross section overlap assumed during evacuation dose precalculations
#monotonically decreasing option for toxics now only for consequence mode
* Fixed bug with wind rose data where update of underlying data was not done until restart (3/7/2013)
* Added Set Active Time to dispersion list view quick links (3/4/2013)
* Added Time at MaxLFL and Time at Max Vol to Dispersion Report (3/4/2013)
* Added Time field to Dispersion Threat Creator Form (3/4/2013)
* Added POLYGON keyword to scenarios notes PHAST import for pool fire bund
* Added additional region listview columns
* Added flammable volume to dispersion report (2/22/2013)
* Modified the active flamm. time to not exceed the source duration (max of all seg.time+seg.duration) which prevents detached clouds (2/19/2013)
* Modified the flammable conc. contour grid calculation to be independent of active flammable time (2/19/2013)
* Modified Shift+Click to sort results on value in message window
* Added exclude token '--' for use in multiselect forms (2/14/2013)
* Added LinkEnabled property to Threat freq. link (2/11/2013)
* Fixed autogroup button to ignore dia2 for cumulative freq. type (2/8/2013)
* Fixed bug with freq. link saving from HD, UDT, PVB, and BLEVE threats (2/5/2013)
* Added fireball import from PHAST (catastrophic leak model only) (2/1/2013)
* Fixed bug with toxic dispersion stationary dose for points beyond the last crosssection x value (2/1/2013)
* Added Modify Concentration action to dispersion form next to Import and Export (1/31/2013)
* Added duration to dispersion list view (01/31/2012)
==BETA Version 13.1.30 Released on 1/30/2013==
* Fixed bug related to flame impingement contour rendering under Individual Risk variable (01/30/2012)
* Fixed bug where cached Phast import disp/fire locations were receiving multiple unit conversions (01/30/2012)
* Added 'Copy Selected Text' command to message area context menu (01/29/2012)
* Added DXF import all objects to existing mesh option (01/29/2012)
* Dispersions with invalid calctype will show as red in listview (01/29/2012)
* Added Dispersion set calculation type combobox to Phast import form (01/29/2012)
* Phast import AutoSetup now only does scenarios that were created/modified rather than the entire collection (01/29/2012)
* Updated Scenario Copy to propagate to consequence events (01/28/2013)
* Added update of non-overridden threats (energy, sl, fs) when chemical properties change (lbv, dHc) (01/25/2013)
==BETA Version 13.1.24 Released on 1/24/2013==
* Fixed bug introduced after version 12.5.8 regarding chemical mixtures with inerts and LeChateliers mixing rule for LFL, UFL, LBV properties (01/24/2013)
==BETA Version 13.1.23 Released on 1/23/2013==
* Added Building Shelter Report which gives the time varying indoor conc, dose, and lethality for 1 building and 1 dispersion.
* Updated fileformat version id to 17: toxic equiv. conc and ref. time options; toxic conc. transform option (1/16/2013)
* Added Chemical Other15, Other30, Other60 user defined concentrations; added toxic conc. transform option
* Changed toxic equiv. erpg to just toxic equiv. conc option and added a reference time option
* Added Run AutoSetup on All Scenarios checkbox to phast import options
* Added AutoSetup button to scenario form to set freq. type, diameters, and groupID based on hole sizes found in consequence event names (XXXmm)
* Changed program setting CombineThreatResultsByScenario to CombineResultsByCommonPrefix and added effect to BuildingScreeningReport
* Fixed arc rotation in meshes
* Added Hydrogen to saturated chemicals database
* Changed DrawBuilding command to Building command with more options (Add, Modify, Delete)
* Added scenario frequency data indicator to listview
* Added scenario deletion optionally propagates to dispersions and fires
* Added jet fire leak rate import from PHAST
* Added caching to PHAST importer; multiple imports of same file will not have to reparse
* Fixed BST threat create bug related to 20% rule and interpolation decimal places
* Fixed race condition on solver output feedback richtext control
* Fixed Assembly.LoadFrom bug for x86/x64 dll files on select machines
* Updated SmartPropertyGrid control to version 3.3; fixes .NET 4.5 (Windows 8) bug
==BETA Version 12.12.4 Released on 12/4/2012==
* Updated fileformat version id to 16: API 753 zone options, JPF leak rate and ign. prob., bldg windows HAF
* Added API 753 Zone 1 render option
* Added risk and exceedance curve reports
* Added LeakRate and IgnitionProbability to JetPoolFire object
* Added HeightAboveFloor to building windows
* Added wind rose plot
==BETA Version 12.9.27 Released on 9/27/2012==
* Added options Render North Arrow (valid in 2D orthographic mode only)
* Added crosswind evac running direction program setting
* Changed default toxic crosswind evacuation to be from CL to edge instead of edge to edge
* Changed via split ThermalLethality variable into FlashFireLethality, JetFireLethality, and PoolFireLethality variables
* Added AnalysisType (Consequence or QRA) to Options->Analysis
* Updated a major change to how risk results are calculated; added consequence event grouping in scenarios
* Added dispersion DXF export for outline and solid rendering, added region DXF exporting for line rendering
* Updated fileformat version id to 15: contour stippling and building windows/doors
* Added discrete window and door surfaces with PI curves to predefined buildings
* Updated PHAST import to ignore items with the word "skip" in the title
==BETA Version 12.8.6 Released on 8/6/2012==
* Added contour line stippling to ground contours, dispersions, flame impingement, rainout, and meshes
* Fixed a bug with detailed report (Shift+Ctrl+LMB) where freq. values were being reported as grid values
* Fixed bug with polygon predefined fire locations for flame impingement and lethality - added IsPointInPredefinedFire function
==BETA Version 12.6.29 Released on 6/29/2012==
* Fixed IsPointInModeledFire function (incorrect Continue For and CrossSectionsNormal needed Clamp 0)
* Fixed UsePrecalcdRadiationCurvesForModeledFires implementation (FireCenter.ToVector2 enforced)
* Fixed ViewFactorMaxErrorPercent bug in modeled fire radiation solver
* Updated fileformat version id to 14: dispersion object leak rate
* Added dispersion object leak rate and UKOAA ignition model option to PHAST import
* Updated DXF export to be more robust and include dispersion extents and fire impingement
* Updated via improved Scenario form consequence event adding and editing
* Added PHAST import scenario name split on backslash
==BETA Version 12.6.19 Released on 6/19/2012==
* Added 'Report Loads for Max BDL' program setting (affects wall, roof, and applied loads reports)
* Updated via significantly increased report generation speed
* Updated fileformat version id to 13: congestion block and MEM uniformity factor
* Added MEM obstacle diameter uniformity option to SingleMEM Threat and CongestionBlock objects
* Added Distance and Area toolbar buttons; enhanced distance and area commandline commands
==BETA Version 12.6.6 Released on 6/6/2012==
* Fixed dispersion horizontal width bug
* Changed out Chemical database for Dippr version; significant change to chemicals
* Removed ActivateMaterials command. Added PIEnable command.
==BETA Version 12.4.20 Released on 4/20/2012==
* Removed line load threat type
* Added risk calculations
* Updated contour grid datastore to sqlite db
* Added new BDL model
* Added Phast import
* Added Disperison object. Removed Vapor Cloud object.
* Combined MeshWeighingControl with IndependentMeshControl in Options.BaseGrid
* Added Controlling CB Min Volume Fraction option to vapor cloud create threats dialog.
* Added fire probit values to options for lethality
* Changed via split toxic variable into toxicconcentration and toxicdose
* Added variableprofile command-line command.
* Added pidelete and picopy command-line commands.
* Added ground contour damage PI curves to legends options
* Added sorting to main data objects column headers
* Updated fileformat version id to 12: added vapor cloud location object
* Added location object to vapor cloud object, replacing position vector3.
* Updated chemical database name format to now be more liberal, allowing spaces and capitalization.
* Updated chemical parse error to give more information
==Version 11.8.1 Released on 8/1/2011==
* Updated fileformat version id to 11: added variable toxic exposure time, jpf containment, gauge color, gauge scale factor, etc...
* Updated ubl command to accept S,E,N,W,R or s,e,n,w,r in addition to 0,1,2,3,4 for building faces
* Updated expression evaluator (Ctrl+LMB on numeric textbox) to more capable version
* Added CanvasSizeMode to program settings to control size of graphics window
* Added gauge, label, and ignition source copy method to objects menu
* Added Delete and Copy keyboard shortcuts to objects menu
* Object menu items are now focused after an edit such that the arrow keys work appropriately
* Updated chemical mixture calculations to use formula for parsing atom counts
* Updated chemical mixture toxic properties to not be defined by mixture mole fractions but rather user defined
* Updated ground contours UI and added color and enabled properties
* Added threat color
* Updated postproc render of fire and toxics to use active threats status
* Added pool fire containment option for polygon locations
* Updated all polygon clipping (FI, Rainout) to new clipper library
* Added reassociate button to chemicals form to change object chemicals links from chem A to B
* Fixed toggle enabled behavior on group threats form
* Updated toggle enabled behaviour if no objects selected
* Added gauge color and scale factor. Added gauge distance (min. to any threat) to gauge report.
* Updated appendfile command
* Updated F2 to cycle through view mode 2D rotation options
* Toxic exposure time for lethality calculation can now be a function of downwind distance
* Added Subtract VBR from Intersecting Volume option to create threats dialog (MEM only)
* Updated spreadsheetgear.dll to latest version for >256 columns
* Added MAX formula to columns in BDL and CDL table
* Updated render scale bar to auto expand/contract and round value to a nice number
* Changed extrapolation method for fire curve data from exponential to linear
* Added detonate entire cloud checkbox to create threats form
* Added toxic hazards report - indoor duration to a specified lethality using given air changes
* Added building occupancy, permanence, and shelter type properties to buildings input report
* Fixed a bug related to building and region shelter type FireAndToxic enumeration
* Added mesh import rename and merge by color options to import dialog
==Version 11.4.12 Released on 4/12/2011==
* Fixed a bug related to gauges during file open
* Added pool fire rainout rendering options
* Added cached AABB to HE_face to increase path finding speeds on unstructured 2D grids
* Added manual vapor cloud create threats commandline switch
* Updated location editor to open/close on Ctrl+Enter
==Version 11.3.25 Released on 3/25/2011==
* Added Vector2 and Vector3 user control to mesh items with custom paste event handling
* Added vapor cloud cross section to program settings and refined delaunay robust triangulations.
* Added color, occupancy, and permanence fields to predefined buildings
* Updated fileformat version id to 10: added notes field to most objects
==Version 11.2.3 BETA Released on 2/3/2011==
* Updated fileformat version id to 9: texture origin pixel and crop and options.renderscalebar and cameras
* Added "create threats for all angles" button to vapor cloud create threats dialog
* Updated 12 BST low reactivity chemicals to have a LBV of 40 in chemcial database
* Updated saved cameras to include projection and view mode
* Added scalebar rendering option
* Updated building results internal storage to table, added max P,I for max BDL to wall and roof loads table
* Fixed marching cubes vapor cloud tessellation for elevated clouds
* Added function parser to numeric text box. Use Ctrl+LMB to activate.
* Added origin pixel and crop parameters to textures
==Version 10.11.18 BETA Released on 11/18/2010==
* Added labels support to properties form
* Added properties form for real time object manipulation
* Updated Label dragging (Ctrl+Alt) with RMB will change offset, LMB will change position.
* Updated all databases to SQLite
* Added congestion block auto color when white, BST limits (blue to red) are 0 to 0.66, MEM are 0 to 7
* Added shelter in place field for buildings and regions
* Added unstructured contour grid option
* Added feature to screen shot->file to now give an option to write a data file of the current contour grid variable
* Added locationmaker commandline command
* Updated fileformat version id to 8: fire and toxic location object
* Added location object to toxics and jet/pool fires
* Fixed fire flame impingement rendering such that only active sources are shown
* Fixed fire E&E report such that duplicate scenarios are no longer generated
==Version 10.8.26 Released on 8/26/2010==
* Updated fileformat version id to 7
* Improved radiation solver with significant speedup of view factor calculations
* Added duration field to jet/pool fire objects which will limit thermal dose if fire ends before evacuation does
* Improved modeled jetpool fire, including dose calcs, yaw-pitch option, color, transparency, point in fire fix
* Fixed bug in pirecalc command so that all damage results are now cleared before the recalc
* Added more fields to various object list views in main object editor
* Added 'Active Results Set' menu item
* Improved analysis run time by using array instead of dictionary for variable storage
* Improved memory usage by using array instead of dictionary for variable storage
* Added disable all ground contours option to legends tab
* Added automatic subdivision of large background images
* Added program setting to disable caching of render objects
* Improved memory management of Cralpha, Iralpha, BST, and MEM objects
* Added chemical selection filter options
==Version 10.7.7 BETA Released on 7/7/2010==
* Improved resizing so under OpenGL, F3D can now be used as a sizeable window
* Added "Show Contours On Doors And Windows" option to Options->Buildings page
* Added Ignore Lock (Open Read Only) option for opening of locked files
* Improved redraw speed by factor of 2 for lines, circles, arcs, and text by caching segments
* Fixed a bug in MeshMultipleThreatsDamageTable report where PI enabled was not respected
* Improved cfd contour import to allow recursive selection and filters on path name
* Improved chemical name filter to handle wildcards
* Improved panel maker for FLACS (runsub 22)
* Improved label commandline predictive capacity based on last label added/modified
* Improved alt+tab such that a render will immediately follow switching back to FACET3D
* Added description property to label object
* Added region object and region commandline command
* Added "Sort Selection" button to labels dialog listview
* Added "Renumber Selection" button to labels and congestion blocks dialog listview
* Improved notes text on options page will now serialize to xml file using CDATA tag
* Improved OpenGL render speed; major for circles and arcs, minor for lines and surfaces.
* Added mutli-threading to contour analysis engine
* Added volume column to vapor cloud objects list
* Improved script dialog to better file handling
* Upgraded to .NET 4.0 and VS 2010
* Improved numeric text boxes such that Ctrl + double click will allow value manipulation via equation parser
* Improved import so that layers will be selected if they contain entities and are not off or frozen
* Improved circle trimming to check for coincident circles
* Improved layers dialog so selected objects remain selected and visible after task
* Improved error descriptions in analysis engine
==Version 10.3.4 BETA Released on 3/4/2010==
* Added name filter to toggle selection dialog
* Fixed formatting bugs in Fire E&E report
* Added label marker options for circle, square, and diamond
==Version 10.1.27 BETA Released on 1/27/2010==
* Added toxic option to use log-linear interpolation on data lookups
* Added rotated 2D view modes and made them persist to file
* Fixed BST CoOp method 2.5d to take average of 2d and 3d after free venting is applied
* Added cancel button to import form
* Added updateContourgrid option to MapCFDLoads command
* Added line contours alias option
* Improved Jet/Pool fire phast import to accept any prefix, not just two digit integers
* Fixed LWPOLYLINE dxf import bug concerning non-zero elevations
* Removed time averaging from toxic inputs
* Fixed chemical database to prompt user for missing chemical w/ fuzzy string search
* Added energy reduction feedback to MEM and BST forms
* Made command line windows non-modal. Updated chemical db. Fixed VC vol bug.
* Updated all reports to use spreadsheet output
* Updated vapor cloud volume calc. to a direct integration method
* Added and changed menu keyboard shortcuts
* Changed label drag to Ctrl+Alt+MouseDrag
* Added Program Settings to data menu
* Updated gauges to show reflected loads along with side on loads
* Updated building screening to work with any threat type
* Added PI validation during import to check for proper point order (CCW)
* Added CombineTriangles commandline command
* Added notes input to options dialog
* Added set calc type label to meshes/buildings panel
* Added congestion block subdiv size to vapor cloud create threats dialog
* Threat solver (including pathfinding) is now multi-threaded
* Updated EandE report to include radiation dose
* Updated sec and sef commands to include minimum area and maxium AR cutoffs
* Updated path finding to exclude disabled meshes/threats in domain calcs
* Changed web update to upgrade in place only files which need it
* Added view mode 2D and 3D to view menu
* Added show main legend option to allow main legend, line contours, or both to be shown
* Added file locking to prevent concurrent file use
* Added Toxic object and associated options
* Changed VaporCloud render method to ComboBox in options
* Updated fileformat version increased to 6
* Added Jet/Pool fire object type and Radiation/RadiationDose variables
* Fixed OpenGL transparency bug
* Add clear->results option to comandline clear command
* Updated ubl command to only clear buildings/meshes and threats in the text file
* Major change to variables and results storage
* Updated to work with Vista/Win7 64bit version
* Added threat volume option to API 753 volume command
* Added save file to desktop as a last resort before closing due to unhandled errors
* Fixed error where any key press would focus the command line (only Space should)
* Fixed bug with Bleve and PVB where P1<Patm would crash FACET3D
* Updated threat grouping to allow multiple threats grouped/ungrouped at a time.
* Added copy vapor cloud, copy congestion block links
* Updated options GUI
* Updated licensing to try all *.lic files before failing
* Replaced NavBar control
* Added user override of Volume command congested volume for API 753 zones
* Add roof loads and max wall loads tables to buildings report
* Fixed common dialog OK button
==Version 9.6.5 Released on 6/5/2009==
* Added missing files to 9.6.1 package
** Chemicaldatabase.xml
** Microsoft.ExceptionMessageBox.dll
==Version 9.6.1 Released on 6/1/2009==
* Added volume scaled FS/SL to CreateThreats report
* Fixed bug with building % surface damage report
* Added RowDataPrettyPrintHelper class
* Updated rotate command will now work with buildings
* Updated script error reporting, highlighting
* Fixed DXF import of %%u and %%% text escapes
* Updated shift click select made more accurate
* Added LWPOLYLINE to dxf import
* Added POLYFACE MESH to dxf import (Google SketchUp)
* Added OpenGL graphics library
* Added mesh and contours line width (OpenGL Only)
* Added changed vapor cloud format to 5 points
* Updated fileformat version increased to 5
* Updated screen captures will now crop 2 pixels on each edge
* Fixed buildings with angled roofs will not add extra wall section to roof
* Updated unzip code to handler zip files with AES encryption
* Updated screen capture class to work better on VISTA
* Updated building clearing for pitched roofs
* Added usage statistics reporting
* Updated volume command to work with UCS selection boxes
* Updated MEM 2D confinement check to error provider and 5x aspect ratio
* Updated contour option Autocontour can now be used with log scale
* Added right click menu to Command and Message areas
* Fixed highlight rectangle command for surface selection
* Fixed version number calculation method
* Added drag drop of files onto 3D canvas for opening
* Updated label rendering in OpenGL to use textures
* Added RefreshLabelsEveryNSeconds option to options->rendering tab
* Fixed bug with FastAnalysisMode and mesh damage calculations
==Version 8.10.21 Released on 10/21/2008==
* Updated vapor clouds to be keyed on name instead of ID
* Made saving safer using tmp and bak files similar to how AutoCAD works
* Added label move with Alt key, label background fill
* Added user coord system selection box option for congestion block and building placement
* Convert file from old to new format will now properly convert materials calculate enabled property
* Dxf import will now ignore null text or spaces only text objects
* Fixed quick refine bug where dx less than edge length would lose surface
* Fixed bug with GSA predefined legend strings and added ASTM predefined legends
==Version 8.9.30 Released on 9/30/2008==
* Fixed bug where Enabled=False property of materials was not respected for meshes
* Added comprehensive loads table to building detailed blast loads report
==Version 8.9.15 Released on 9/15/2008==
* Added predefined building roof angle and direction fields
* Congestion block threat grouping now has polygon option instead of projected circles
* Import Z rotation transformations now allowed with arcs and text
* Added dxf import support for ellipse (will be converted to lines)
* Updated all forms to use Enter and Esc as default OK and Cancel button clicks
* Updated bleve to include fragment fraction
* Updated PVB to include real gasses
* Added render building damage as BDL to options->buildings tab
* Fixed bug with license dates for non-US regions
* Updated reports to take advantage of per threat surface information
* Added fast analysis mode option
* Added per threat blast load storage to surfaces
==Version 8.8.14 Released on 8/14/2008==
* Added Bleve and PVB threat types
* Added Autorender option to ini file
* Changed Toggle behavior on objects form
* Fixed bug with elevated vc threat creation since convex hull optimization
* Fixed bug where a custom flammable mixture with an inert would result in 0 lbv
* Fixed bug where a custom flammable name collision would cause data loss
* Script syntax highlighter updated to handle apostrophe inside of quotes
* %%u now removed from imported acad text
* Added ignore option for PI validation errors
* Added Edit button for custom flammables
* Fixed bug with chemical names longer than 20 characters
* Threat picking now gives more info on group threats
* Added option to smart color VC threats similar to congestion blocks
* Added option to fix camera target to ground plane (render tab)
* Added Scripts to recent directory XINI file
* Fixed unzipping bug associated with file dates
* Added Flatten to Import DXF options
* Updated all checked list boxes to multiselect list boxes
==Version 8.6.3 Released on 6/3/2008==
* DXF export contours each on own layer, and as polylines instead of lines
* DXF export will now respect enabled property of layers
* Updated volume command to create API753 simple method contours
* Added syntax highlighting to script editor
* Fixed group threat UI form bug
* Added script command, toolbar button
* Changed mixture LFL calculation method to Le Chateliers rule
* Added volume commandline command
* Added marker, offset, and angle features to label object (fileversion=3)
* Added chemical database for creating mixture properties
* Added append commandline command for appending facet3d data from another file
==Version 8.5.6 Released on 5/6/2008==
* Fixed orthogonal projection to work with on-screen select functions
* Added hightlight rectangle commandline command
* Added Open Threat button to create threats results summary dialog
* Added camera.settarget toolbar button
* VC create threats speed increase using convex hulls
* VC create threats dialog updated with visibility options
* Added Circle,Arc,Text objects
* Drawbuilding command now uses P1/Size instead of P1/P2
* Congestion blocks now use P1/Size instead of P1/P2 (fileversion=2)
* Fixed surface move from mesh A to mesh B bug
* GUI improvements, monospace text, obj. v3 pretty, parsing of vc and fuels
==Version 8.4.3 Released on 4/3/2008==
* Added dplot PI import sort and round options
* Fixed VC rendering bug
* Fixed MEM create threats bug with controling SL
* Added new backgroud image options - mult. textures supported
* Added surface area to mesh summary report
* Fixed surface damage % bug
* Fixed BST CoOp calculations
* Added shift click ignition source
* Added object controls (CB color, VC transp., etc..)
* Fixed pathfinding bugs
==Version 8.3.24 Released on 3/24/2008==
* Added set mesh color and label size buttons on object form
* Added zoom in and zoom out commands and toolbar buttons
* Added BST.UseCoOpMethods to congestion block and threat dialogs
* Added expansion factor to vapor cloud dialog
* Added DrawBuilding(dbld) commandline command
* Added objects listview column autosizing
* Added ignitionsource commandline command
* Added Ignition Source object type
* Added VaporCloud.CreateThreats dialog
* Changed groupedthreat DistanceTo to return min distance for all grouped threats
* Added runsub 24 - distances from threats to buildings report
* Updated threat input summary report
* FileFormat increased to 1, added ThreatGrouping.OrganizationalOnly property
* Added BDL and Roof P-I tables to end of Building DL and Loads report when AnalysisControls(1) selected
* Added 'Set Label(s) Color' to Labels object menu
* Added line contours to legend
* Updated PI point inside polygon (stricter) by checking that all poly1 pts are also outside poly2
* Removed clear visibility, use Enabled=False instead
* Added gauges enabled property
* Changed threats calculate property to enabled
* Materials now show up in building listview
* Meshes and buildings now have enabled property
* Added Modify option to reloadxini (rex) command
* Updated VaporCloud createthreats for grouped threats
* Add dxf export dll for better dxf exporting
* Commandline history feature (up arrow) more useful (tracks entire command sequence)
* Added polygon delunay refinement (used internally for vapor cloud discretization)
* Added vapor cloud commandline command with createthreats option
* Added angle command
* Updated move command to be able to explode buildings to meshes
* Updated move command to work with buildings
* Added autoupdate utility with download support
* Updated object user interface navigation bar
* Added vapor cloud dialogs
* Surface manipulation commands (copy,refine) are now faster
* Camera views now saved with file
* Camera view managment code update
* Fixed camera rotation at lat=90deg, zoom too close to target, smooth panning at lat=90
* Added congestion blocks dialogs
* Added new building reports
* Added text engine 2d for labels
* Converted all quantities to doubles
* Added vector3 class wrapper with double precision
* File versioning, file updating
* Change buildings PI handling to match meshes
* Removed legacy open code
* Surfaces id by integer instead of strings
* Updated materials code, specifically PI point inside test. Now uses polygons
* Removed FACEDAP material types
* Major refactor begin ...
* Added AnalysisControls command and DL_MaxLoads report
* Changed DHS vuln. model collapse % dih and doa as well as req. 2 columns
* Predefined building damage levels report now uses legend text for DL
* Changed AvgDia to inches on Threat form. Made VBR and AvgDia NUD Boxes
* Shift click now reports threat, gauge, and congestion block objects
* Added AllowLineSelection option on rendering tab
* Added congestion block objects
* Fixed dotproduct bug for parallel vectors
==Version 4.0.2767 Released on 7/30/2007==
* Added DHS vulnerability model report for meshes
* Using Log_Lin interp for BST and MEM curve interpolation
* Using PHAST data for BST
* Added ground contour color option and contour log scale option
* Tweaked legend colorbar. Note using sunlight can skew contour colors!
* Added legend numeric string format to options
* Major rewrite of ground contour classes
* Major rewrite of threat classes to include grouped threats
* Updated Octane LBV to 52 cm/sec
* Fileformat version increased to 4
* Added custom flammable fuel definitions
* Updated building risk occupancy input to allow non-integers
* Added BST reduce energy calc form
* Updated database with new (5/07) standard buildings/components
* Added mesh color to mesh.color listview item
* Added Threat input summary report
* Updated drawbox command to order sides per Beast Methodology
* Fixed MEM distance to threat line (display only) bug
* Added BST energy reduction option via TNO rules
* Added blast load select method for multiple concurrent threats
* Added SaveInputsOnly option
* Fileformat version increased to 3
* Updated file save format, reduced file size ~50%
* Updated VC quick calc normal to incident/reflected
==Version 4.0.2631 Released on 3/16/2007==
* Removed NICMAC from machine fingerprint
* Updated shift click hit XYPlane behaviour
* Updated DXF import dialog
* Fixed report visibility bug
* Fixed activefile.hash bug for read only files
* Added report keyboard shortcuts
* Fixed UD threat contours bug for contour>max value
* Updated F-N curve calculations
==Version 4.0.2581 Released on 1/25/2007==
* Added recent files menu
* Fixed bug in MEM - now shows ground impulse contours
* Added drag-drop file onto commandbar from explorer to open
* Updated DXF import/export color handling and ByLayer support
* Beta version released on 12/7/2006
* Tweaked PI cleanup code for CEDAW curves
* Added line export to dxf file (contours if in pressure display)
* Updated building centered siting analysis code
* Updated DXF Import to ignore blocks
* Updated menu and toolbar appearance
* Added Zoom command with all, selection, and window options
* Updated ActivateMaterials command to use a mesh selection dialog
* Updated CleanPI codebase to better clean pi's from dplot
* Added file compression option to FACET3D.ini file and Options dialog
* Added *.flacs filetype to CFD imports
* Added support to prevent overwriting a changed network file
* Enhanced DXF import. Now handles circles and arcs
* Enhanced Highlight mesh/building wildcard behavior
* Added line contours to MapCFDLoads command
* Added Impulse line contours
* Added Building Damage Table report
* Upgraded SetHazard command to include buildings
* Added additional error checking for UserDefined curve assymptote order
* Added Background Picture texture rendering
* Added MapCFDLoads commandline command w/ isocontour support
* Added mouse wheel support for zooming
* Added better contour lines for elevated threats
* Added delete duplicate mesh lines runsub command
* Fixed black/white color bug, now better use of named colors
* Added UserBlastLoads blast load mapping command
* Added new Threat type - User Defined freefield pressure and impulse functions
* Fixed bug in CorrPanels Facedap material type Edit subroutine
* Added SaveAsDPlot button to material PI curve plots
* Added Equation PI curve type to DB and code to create smooth point along curves
* Added Beastv2 PI curves to DB and updated DTRA screening blds to freefield
==Version 4.0.2252 Released on 3/02/2006==
* Updated license file codebase
* Added SurfaceErrorCheck and SurfaceErrorFix commandline commands
* Updated surface refine algorithms
* Added GarbageCollect free memory command
* Added Projection and FillMode render options
* Converted to .NET 2.0 and related MDX assemblies
* Added Highlight Toggle option
* Updated mesh properties report to include %Area Hazard
* Improved REDRAW, HE, and BST load calculation engines speed
* Added color check surface normals render option
* Added selected surface normals render option
* Added movie path spline, set camera button, snap to waypoint, angle criteria, ...
* Added more functionality for camera command
* Added SetMeshColor commandline command
* Added threat copy, material copy, and predefined bld copy
* Added MEM rounded corner contours
==Version 4.0.2039 Released on 8/01/2005==
* Added link (F1) to online help file
* Added toolbar buttons for movie setup and reporting
* Added Mesh and Building list properties reports
* Added EQE facility siting codebase
* Added toggle all switch to import dialog
* Added rotation angle feature to MEM and BST vaporclouds
* Added clearing effects for meshes and predefined buildings
* Updated hardlock to latest usb HaspHL codebase
* Updated screencapture to be faster, auto-crop, and use exact display size
* Added AVI file movie creation
* Added automatic movie waypoint creation through ghostview
* Added command alias values to xini file
* Changed commandline codebase and added new functionality
* Added skybox background option
* Added show camera target to render options
* Added GhostView flythrough mode
==Version 4.0.1915 Released on 3/30/2005==
* Changed license model to include multiple hardware checks
* Added DijkstraConeAngle to XINI file
* Added lineload table threat report mode
* Forced all mesh, building, threat, material names to be lowercase
* Fixed display bug for hazard contours after file open
* Added better import surface error checking
==Version 4.0.1875 Released on 2/18/2005==
* Added camera ToFile & FromFile hyperlinks on camera form
* Added pressure contour lines to BST threat
* Added DPlot import automatic PI cleanup switch to XINI file
* Added pirecalc commandline command
==Version 4.0.1830 Released on 1/4/2005==
* Added commandline history queue (press up arrow for past commands)
* Added reloadxini commandline command
* Added ScreenCaptureTweak section to xini file
* Added report export to clipboard and file capabilities
* Fixed numeric text box so a neg. sign is allowed if all text is selected
* Reworked options form
* Added user defined legend text
* Updated tab order on Threat form
* Added ActivateMaterials, Area, Sethazard command line commands
==Version 4.0.1745 Released on 10/11/2004==
* Added PI plot screen capture
* Added Baker-Strehlow-Tang (BST) VCE threat type
* Added import DPLOT file from materials form
==Version 4.0.1689 Released on 8/17/2004==
* Added material calc toggle and MaterialCalc column to layers dialog
* Increased import dxf speed and added feedback
==Version 4.0.1657 Released on 7/15/2004==
* Added single threat octahedron platonic solid
* Added legend size and placement controls
* Upgraded plot control
* Added user defined hazard level coloring
* Added screening level building PI calculation method
* Added drawbox command line command
* Added contour scale factor for non-linear contour colors
* Added MEM2 override energy and severity level option
* Added Visibility combobox to implement transparency
* Added Calculate option to materials
* Upgraded command line behavior
* Added predefined buildings
* Changed general object architecture to layers, meshes, and buildings
* Added a materials library
* Added a threat render scale factor
* Fixed minor MEM2 severity level bug (single now instead of integer)
* Optimized blast load calculations CRAlpha and IRAlpha subroutines
* Changed display text font and format
* Added ground pressure contours
* Fixed minor LineObjects render bug
* Added options button on main toolbar
* Changed FrmMain layout
* Added Dijkstra path finding
* Fixed minor FileIO bug when reading files that are ReadOnly
* Added compilation constant IsViewer
==Version 3.0.1397 Released on 10/29/2003==
* Implemented pause render during file dialog selection
* Added error checking for decending impulse
==Version 3.0.1396 Released on 10/28/2003==
* Added ErrorProvider for material validation
* Added new graphing component for materials
* Fixed bug in Render code for high surface counts
* Added PickLines code for shift-clicking
* Updated KillGroup command
* Added MoveGroupLines command
* Added LineCollection class
* Added new DXF Import dialog
==Version 3.0.1370 Released on 10/2/2003==
* Added save to xml and open xml files capability
* Added new menu item View which contains pre-post options
==Version 3.0.1357 Released on 9/19/2003==
* Added color change dependent on background color for camera coordinates
* Added ListBuilder capability
* Toggled sort property to on for various list and combo boxes
* Forced Sub UpdateReport on form activation
* Added crypto class and updated register form
* Updated FileIO->RetrieveProgramState sub to give feedback on backward compatibility issues
* Added various shortcuts to menu items
* Added flythrough movie creation capabilities
* Updated registration form and overall licensing model
* Added commandline command Toggle
* Added FolderDialog for movie files save path
==Version 3.0.1311 Released on 8/04/2003==
* Added automatic contour legend option
* Added code to prompt if options class has changed
* Added a save dialog to new and open menu commands
== Version 3.0.1278 Released on 7/02/2003==
* Updated DialogForm showintaskbar and readonly properties
* Added VersionHistory to commandline commands
* Allows spaces between brackets on command line commands
* Added a save dialog upon closing of program
* Added escape key closing on DialogForm forms
* Added FACEDAP corrugated panels material
* Added Equivalent Loading reporting option
* Changed reporting form to real time updating
== Version 3.0.1266 Released on 6/20/2003==
* First recorded release. Actual development started in mid 2002.